California's Monterey County Sheriff's Office uses UAS to locate and arrest armed suspect


On Sunday, Dec. 9, the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) in California used its UAS to locate an armed suspect that had broken into the historical buildings at the Point Sur Lighthouse in Monterey, California the night of Saturday, Dec. 8.

Using its UAS, MCSO deputies directed California State Park Rangers to the suspect’s location, where he was subsequently arrested.

The sheriff’s office notes that this situation was dangerous for several reasons, including the steep terrain of the location, the involvement of a firearm, and the unknown intent of the suspect.

With all of these factors, the UAS proved to be a beneficial option for the sheriff’s office.

“The MCSO drone program is a relatively low cost resource that supports deputies and other agencies by adding an aspect of awareness from above,” the sheriff’s office says in a Facebook post.

“In this incident, drone operators worked with Rangers in locating the suspect, then provided the best tactical route to reach the suspect.”

The sheriff’s office says that its UAS program was made possible thanks to donations from the Monterey County Sheriff's Advisory Council (SAC), which is a non-profit, 501c3 public benefit organization that provides funding for the Office of the Sheriff.

The SAC has provided more than $650,000 worth of equipment and training since 1984 for the Sheriff's Office that Monterey County is unable to supply due to a lack of funding.