Flying Safe: Current and Impending Legislation

Flying Safe: Current and Impending Legislation
Wednesday, August 8, 2018 - 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (EST)


When technology progresses as fast as we’ve seen unmanned systems progress, regulators are often left questioning how to prioritize public safety without constricting economic potential. During this webinar, FAA officials and regulatory insiders will provide an update on existing laws and an explanation of pending bills.
Each fall AUVSI hosts our annual Hill Day, which gives AUVSI members the opportunity to meet with legislators and explain the needs of the unmanned industry. This webinar will highlight the importance of both understanding unmanned systems regulations and educating lawmakers on the potential of our industry. Join us for this webinar and Hill Day 2018 to be sure your voice is heard!
Who Should Attend?

  • Commercial drone operators
  • Drone manufacturers
  • Investors in unmanned systems technology
  • Individuals interested in the commercial potential of drones

Aaron Pierce, CEO, Pierce Aerospace
Manny Cruz, AUS-430, Safety & Operation Branch Manager , UAS Integration Office, FAA
This webinar is complimentary for AUVSI members and $49 for nonmembers.