Swift Aero granted permission to fly UAS in Class Bravo airspace in and around Las Vegas


Aerial service provider Swift Aero Aerial Systems (Swift Aero) has had its FAA Waiver Part 107.41 approved by the FAA, which will allow the company to fly UAS in key airport traffic areas and controlled airspace, known as Class Bravo airspace, in and around Las Vegas.

“We are absolutely thrilled to be the first aerial company to have this very special permission to fly UAS in Class Bravo Airspace in Las Vegas,” says Craig McKay, President, Swift Aero Aerial Systems.

“This will open-up many opportunities for businesses already anchored here and those corporations who want to start-up here in Vegas.”

Swift Aero has applied for other waivers still pending, including FAA Waiver 107.29, which allows UAS to be flown at night, FAA Waiver 107.39, which allows UAS to be flown over people, and FAA Waiver 107.31, which allows UAS to be flown beyond the pilot's visual line-of-sight (BVLOS).

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Swift Aero specializes in cinematography, broadcasting, mapping, photography and surveying services. With so many specialties, there is no shortage of potential clients that Swift Aero can work with now that it has obtained this permission, according to McKay.

“Attracting clients from a variety of industries including film and real estate, this permission is a major boon for Swift Aero as it expands its collaborations in 2018, offering more than just unmanned capabilities,” McKay says.

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