Drone Delivery Canada to provide deliveries via UAS to Moose Cree First Nation in Northern Ontario


Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) and Moose Cree First Nation have entered into an agreement to start a commercial program that will use DDC’s UAS delivery system to make deliveries to the community located in northern Ontario, Canada.

DDC, which is collaborating with federal regulators and community stakeholders, is ready to begin commercial test flights within the Moose Cree geography. Mail, food, medical supplies, and general goods are some of the things expected to be delivered via UAS.

“We are very pleased to begin roll out of our drone delivery solution for the Moose Cree First Nation community,” says Tony Di Benedetto, CEO of Drone Delivery Canada

“Drones provide immediate capacity building and provide an alternative to traditional infrastructure where none presently exist.”

Patricia Faries, Chief of Moose Cree First Nation, adds, “we are excited to see the formation of this initiative, from pilot testing to potential commercialization and possibly building a business model. This technology is new, and we hope also to help our neighboring communities address the high costs associated with the delivery of goods to their communities.”

DDC says that this achievement is the first of its kind for Canada.