

Mitigating Bad Actors with UAS and Securing Our Industry

One of the primary concerns of the drone community is how to take advantage of this technology, while keeping the public safe. The evolution of technology to mitigate malicious actors is critical to this mission, as developers consider scenarios where drones could be used by bad actors and take preventative steps.   During this webinar, defense industry leaders will explore current strategies to prevent negative actions, emerging ideas and options for mitigating threats from rogue users. Remote Pilots will share their experiences and discuss the mitigation capabilities that are important to them.   Who Should Attend?

Flying Safe: Current and Impending Legislation

When technology progresses as fast as we’ve seen unmanned systems progress, regulators are often left questioning how to prioritize public safety without constricting economic potential. During this webinar, FAA officials and regulatory insiders will provide an update on existing laws and an explanation of pending bills. Each fall AUVSI hosts our annual Hill Day, which gives AUVSI members the opportunity to meet with legislators and explain the needs of the unmanned industry. This webinar will highlight the importance of both understanding unmanned systems regulations and educating lawmakers on the potential of our industry. Join us for this webinar and Hill Day 2018 to be sure your voice is heard!   Who Should Attend?

Capturing the Moment: Drones in the Arts & Entertainment

  Cinematography and the entertainment industry were early drone adopters and over the last several years have expanded the angles, locations, and ideas that can be captured by drones. Isolated areas have long been cost prohibitive for cinematographers and photographers, but have opened new areas and possibilities.   In this webinar, film and photography experts will examine the applications and capabilities of drones in their industry; discuss pursuing a career in drone imaging, and leveraging your skills. Attendees will also learn about the collaboration between the FAA and the film industry to foster drone cinematography and the economic impact of filming with drones.   Who Should Attend?

The Path to Integrating Automated Vehicles

Integrating automated vehicles into our roadways and cities is daunting task, but one this industry is poised to tackle, as innovators address challenges and consider the future.   At the Automated Vehicles Symposium, hosted by AUVSI and TRB July 9-12, 2018, experts will delve into critical topics, such as cybersecurity, the regulatory landscape, artificial intelligence, and vehicle connectivity. This webinar is your opportunity to get a head start and hear from some of the industry leaders you’ll meet in San Francisco.   Who Should Attend?

Artificial Intelligence: Dispelling the Terminator Myth and Debunking the Future

Over the last year, AI debates have come in various shapes and sizes; as technologists, entrepreneurs, researchers, and almost everyone else, put forth their AI opinions. Questions about the capabilities and potential of AI were posed by people of diverse backgrounds prompting critical discussions and spurring more questions. During this webinar, AI and deep learning experts will introduce attendees to their world, explain their visions for the future, and answer the question of what it means when science-fiction is within our reach. Who Should Attend? Roboticists Futurists Individuals interested in the impact of autonomous systems and artificial intelligence    Speakers

AUVSI Webinar: Data is the New Oil and Other XPONENTIAL Ideas

The unmanned systems industry, like so many others, is data driven and data dependent. Nowhere is that more evident than at AUVSI XPONENTIAL, which gathers innovators with backgrounds as diverse as the solutions they pursue, for a week of discussion and collaboration. Worlds collide at XPONENTIAL, as researchers discuss real-world applications, military leaders embrace ideas from startups, and emerging ideas take center stage. One concept that unites all these groups is the importance of harnessing data captured by your unmanned vehicle.

Regulatory and Stakeholder Perspectives on the Future of UAS

The number of remote pilots using drones across an array of industries has opened the door for increased efficiency and productivity, but has also ushered in new challenges. Join AUVSI and industry stakeholders for a discussion of the evolving regulatory landscape and what it means for the drone industry. Frank discussions between regulators and the drone community are important as both groups grapple with the safe integration of our technology into the national airspace. This webinar will provide community members with the opportunity to hear directly from regulators and ask their most pressing questions. Who Should Attend

Connecting Cars, Connecting Users: Challenges and Opportunities Offered by Automated Vehicles

Recently a range of diverse companies have launched high-profile automated vehicle programs and have begun describing their implementation plans. As automated vehicles gain traction and garner headlines, complex questions have arisen in the automated vehicles community, some of which were expected and others more surprising. Innovators are exploring seemingly next-gen possibilities today. Ideas such as driverless delivery, smart roads, and AI are becoming actualities. This webinar will explore these topics and more, as industry leaders discuss their visions for future mobility and what it holds for road users. Who Should Attend
Connecting Cars, Connecting Users

Using UAV Imagery and Deep Learning for Wind Turbine Inspection

When it comes to using a UAV to collect imagery for wind turbine inspections, maneuvering a drone around a huge turbine isn’t the only challenge involved. There’s also the issue of capturing extra positional information so images can be projected onto a plane, which is necessary since the camera is not positioned to look directly down as in most UAV imagery applications. Then there’s ensuring the quality of the capture while in the field to avoid the costs associated with having to re-fly a job. Finally, there is the time and rigor required to analyze all that data to identify and locate damage and other abnormalities on turbine blades.
AUVSI Webinar

Protecting Government Holdings with Unmanned Systems

The Department of Defense and defense contractors have traditionally embraced the use of unmanned technology, but in recent years other government agencies have begun to introduce unmanned systems into their operating procedures. Our panel of speakers will highlight the growing number of public organizations using unmanned systems. Attendees will learn about efforts, within and beyond the Department of Defense, to leverage unmanned technology. This webinar will provide a preview of AUVSI Unmanned Systems Defense. Protection. Security., the most comprehensive military- and government-focused event in the unmanned systems industry, where experts will address innovation, investment, and sustainability challenges and opportunities. Who Should Attend?
