Growing our industry together with our members

What is the Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International Political Action Committee (AUVSI PAC)?

The AUVSI PAC is a nonpartisan political action committee (PAC). It is registered with the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC) and allows industry executives and employees of AUVSI to pool personal, voluntary financial contributions. The contributions are used to support candidates seeking elective office at the federal level who are proponents of issues important to our members.

Why does AUVSI need a PAC?

Active employee engagement in the political process is an important means of protecting our industry’s interests. The size and scope of government have continued to increase and grow more complex. Governments decide how business is conducted and public policy decisions made in one industry sector often reverberate in many other sectors. As a leader in our industry and the business community, it is critical that we be engaged and have a robust, effective PAC.




Interested in giving to the AUVSI PAC? Please note that we are only able to accept contributions from individual AUVSI members, designated employees of AUVSI member companies, and AUVSI staff. If you aren't sure if you qualify, please email Michael Robbins at