Marine Industries Alliance Launches Industry Code of Conduct for Surface Vessels


The U.K. Marine Industries Alliance has released an industry code of conduct for surface maritime autonomous systems, or MAS. Coated with three sections of responsibilities, the code of conduct’s aim is to establish pan-industry agreement on aspects of MAS development, design, production, and operation in an advance of and alongside the establishment of governing regulations.

An output of the MAS Regulatory Working Group of the MIA, the code outlines practices to support safety and professionalism within the industry; advance self-regulation; advance official direction; and support improved communications between companies, regulators and the larger marine maritime community.

“Unmanned vessels are already being operated safely and responsibly within the existing regulations, conventions and procedures,” says MASRWG chair James Fanshawe. “This code of conduct sets down nine industry principles, which demonstrate a clear commitment to ensuring that MAS are operated safely and responsibly whilst ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations as far as practically possible. … Importantly the document is not exclusive and will be kept under regular review, and, therefore, feedback will always be welcome.”

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