Nokia Signs MOA to Help With Testing of UAVs in the Netherlands


After signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Municipality of Enschede, the Province of Overijssel, Unmanned Systems Center B.V. and Area Development Twente, Nokia will develop and test out its UAV Traffic Management (UTM) system on unmanned aircraft. The traffic management system will help prepare UAVs integrating into different urban areas, and acclimate to being around people, manned aircraft, and other unmanned systems and objects through real-life simulations and commercial demonstrations.

Using a variety of technology including an LTE modem, GPS transceiver and other telemetry modules, Nokia will provide UAVs with flight automation, no-fly zone control and beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) capability. Nokia will also provide UAV operators with an app that allows them to monitor real time air information. The system is expected to be adaptable to different regulatory standards of each country.

Nokia, a longtime prominent communications and information technology company, will test its technology at Europe's first testing site of UAVs enlisted for helping with traffic management. The testing will take place in the Netherlands, at the Twente Airport.

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