AUVSI Statement on Expanded Online Registration for UAS


ARLINGTON, Va. —Brian Wynne, president and CEO of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), today issued the following statement on the Federal Aviation Administration’s announcement to expand registration for small UAS to include commercial, public and other non-model aircraft operations.

 “AUVSI has long supported a streamlined, online registration system for civil and commercial UAS operators. We are glad to see the FAA make this goal a reality, reducing inefficiency and red tape for the many commercial UAS operators who will need to register their platforms.

“By opening up online registration to civil and commercial operators, the FAA will be better equipped to handle the influx of new operators once the small UAS rule is finalized and implemented. Until then, however, many American businesses are left sitting on the sidelines or operating under an onerous exemption process. The FAA needs to finalize the small UAS rule without any further delays in order to truly unlock the positive societal and economic benefits of UAS technology.”


In April 2015, AUVSI submitted comments to the FAA on the small UAS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking recommending the use of an online registration database.


AUVSI’s full comments to the FAA can be found here. Mr. Wynne was also a member of the UAS Registration Task Force that delivered recommendations to the administrator of the FAA in November 2015.