British Royal Navy Hosting Unmanned Warrior Joint Exercise for UAS and USVs


Next month, the British Royal Navy will host the first ever Unmanned Warrior joint exercise, that will test unmanned, unarmed surface, underwater and aerial vehicles. The U.S. Navy will be a part of the event, along with other members of the naval science and technology (S&T) community.

“The U.S. Navy is very appreciative of the Royal Navy’s invitation to participate in their inaugural Unmanned Warrior exercise,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Mat Winter. “Unmanned Warrior provides a unique opportunity to showcase our technical and operational autonomous technologies, while simultaneously strengthening our international partnerships with all participating nations.”

The Unmanned Warrior exercise, which is a part of a larger British exercise called the Joint Warrior, will look to address the following areas when it comes to unmanned systems and technology: Geospatial Intelligence, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Mine Countermeasures, Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting and Reconnaissance and Command & Control. During the exercise, the U.S., led by the Office of Naval Research, will test 10 technology projects. Dr. Marcus Tepaske, who will oversee the projects, said this of the upcoming tests:

“It’s a team effort. My goal is to challenge the project officers to push the limits of their systems through acceleration, innovation and collaboration.”

The Unmanned Warrior exercise will take place from October 8 to October 20.

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