Digital Twins - the Future of Virtual and Mixed Reality Robotic Avatars

Digital Twins - the Future of Virtual and Mixed Reality Robotic Avatars
Monday, May 4, 2020 - 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM (EDT)


We've all had our problems with teleoperation as 21st century technology remains stuck with 20th century user interface. But that’s changing. Advances in Mixed and Virtual Reality control will lead to a UX revolution for avatar-based robotic teleoperation where the manipulation of digital twins will translate to manipulation of a robot – or robots – in the physical world. From the 10 million dollar Avatar X-prize to the 10 billion dollars the Japanese government is sinking into developing this tech, robotic avatars are about to become big business. Is your company ready?

Peter Haas – Associate Director, Humanity Centered Robotics Initiative, Brown University

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